Disruptive Space Exploration Technology by Anubhav
We have created space science projects to understand cosmos meaning to find out the greatest mysteries of our universe like dark energy or bootes void. To understand them, we first have to reach these Cosmic Structures.
I have formulated space science and technology, which not only take us from earth to space, but to the farthest galaxy or even to the end of the universe.
These will allow us to know the age of universe in our cosmology or see our Universe ending according to big crunch theory.
Once the necessary resources are in place, We will be able to create the tools needed for Space Exploration. These includes few many solutions covering different aspects of space exploration including launching from Earth to Space and then survive in Space while travelling.
And these are beyond Elon Musk way of Space Exploration.
These are as Shown in Figure:

Following are the inventions which will form parts of the spaceship design above:
- High density energy storage with infinite storage life : Infinite life, unlike batteries because of its scientific design based on single fundamental physics principle and does not involve any chemical reaction or moving parts.
- Energy recharging mechanism : with the ability of recharging from sun as well as some of the planets, This will allow a single design to extract energy from at least 3 different sources available out their in space vis-a-vis heat, magnetic field and gravitational field.
- Three methods of propulsion :
- Crawler - This mechanism is utilizes the spaceship design physics.
- Jelly - This mechanism will help in utilizing the energy from wave movement and this will work in tandem with the Crawler.
Above two will not rely on any ejection of material to generate thrust. These two can accelerate ship infinitely, as long as energy is available in the storage. - Thrust based on energy mass equivalence - This will work around Idea of converting energy into mass. Thus we will have an ability to create thrust in any environment with the energy that is available with us. Right now, I am on the verge of conceptualizing it thoroughly by understanding various phenomenon of electron and photon. We have to do a bit more space research to bring it to experimentation level.
- Protection of humans and machine from dangers of deep space : Including radiation and asteroid shrapnel. The design of ship integrates the mechanism of protection from radiation without carrying any additional instruments or even heavy metal shielding. This is required for protecting the space biology in interstellar travel. Protection from asteroid will involve use of my same innovation which will also help in recharging the energy storage with a slight modification.
- Reaching the space from earth : Assembling this ship in outer orbit of earth will involve multiple launches which will become financially nonviable with currently available rocket launch mechanism. Hence, I have devised a cheap reusable mechanism for bringing packages from earth to the designated orbit. The benefit of this method will be to reduce the space launch significantly as well as reduce the risk of rocket failures as we have lost many lives like Kalpna Chawla. This has potential to become a benchmark for all space launches in the near future.

I had conceptualized this space launch mechanism without having prior knowledge about some similar study on Hyper sonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch done in 2000 by NASA which had design flaws. And because of the organic thought process, I am able to come up with a design which is realistic in the sense of the length of cable required and the trajectory ceiling of the tether, thus we can make it happen.
Overall advantages :
- Spaceship can accelerate without gaseous thrust thanks to its operational mechanism.
- Additional modules can be easily added to increase the size of spaceship and also without hindering its acceleration.
- Can be rotated on its axis to simulate low gravity within the ship, because of its symmetrical design.
- I am not relying on any outlandish space science and technology, instead used basic physics.
- Design will use renewable energy, hence will practically never run out of energy.
- Able to store energy in high density form, giving a longer energy availability with possible of recharging opportunities on the go.
As space exploration is the widest subject of all, some new challenges may come along our Endeavor. And we may have to find new workarounds for these unforseen problems.
And if you wish to embark on a these Adventurous Journey, then ping me at my LinkedIn. People will remember us for this great work, as they remember Vikram Sarabhai, the great Indian Space scientist.